The Real Truth

Jesus tells us it is time to point out the Real Truth of what is happening within His Church. This time within the Church reminds us of the story of the emperor’s new clothes. Everyone was trying to justify how the emperor was wearing the finest clothes ever made but, in reality, the Emperor was naked. All are trying to justify the actions of this Pope but, the Truth is, he is promoting sin and ripping the Truths, that Jesus Died for, apart. The Truth is plainly seen if we take the time to look and not just go on hearsay. This pope is clearly going against Gods Teachings. There are plenty of places that report the news of what is happening within the Church and within Rome. Examples of these are World Over, which can be found on EWTN, Church Militant, Remnant TV, etc. All these can be found on YouTube if we but take the time to look.

Jesus is the Head

The Truth is, this pope and the cardinals, bishops, priests, nuns and laity, which he has surrounded himself with, are blaspheming and speaking heresy against Jesus Christ, who is the true Head of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. People say that the pope is the head of the Church: no, he is not the head of the Church. Jesus is the Head of the Church and the pope is the servant of Jesus. His job is to guide the people in the Truth that Jesus Died for.

This is heresy

Pope Francis told the people of the Catholic Church that it was our moral duty to accept the corona virus vaccine, produced from the bodies of aborted children (murdered children). This clearly goes against the Catechism and breaks the fifth Commandment: ‘Thou shalt not kill’. He was condoning the murder of the innocent and telling us, as Catholics, to do likewise by the acceptance of their blood into our bodies. This is heresy, mortal sin; an abomination in the sight of God. He repeatedly speaks blasphemy against the Truths of Jesus and His Church.

Speaks with a forked tongue The Truth is, Pope Francis speaks with a forked tongue. One minute he says something good and holy and, the next minute, he rips Jesus apart with his next promotion of sin. There are quite a few cardinals and bishops who are speaking out against his teaching. Please take the time to check out the platforms mentioned above. Many will be highly shocked at the things that are happening in the Church at this time; the Truth is out there, if we want to find it.

Many of Pope Francis’ teachings are false; anti-God, antichrist. Antichrist does not mean someone with horns and hooves. Antichrist means someone who is against Jesus Christ and there are many such as these in the world at this time.

Looking for change

This year he has set up a Church synod looking for change within the Church. A lot of the people who have been invited to take part in this synod are those who are against Jesus’ Teachings, people who are promoting the acceptance of homosexual unions, the divorced and remarried receiving the Sacraments, women’s ordination. The latest announcement from Pope Francis, just before the start of the synod, has stated that priests can bless gay unions (as long as it is not a marriage blessing) and give Holy Communion to the divorced and remarried, those who are living in sin. This goes against Gods Teaching: SIN CANNOT BE BLESSED. We cannot condone sin, or we become guilty of the sin ourselves.

Against Church Teaching

If we all take the time, as we have done, to look into what is actually happening within the Church synod, we will clearly see that it

is a synod discussing the things which go directly against Church Teaching. I have watched what has been happening and I am shocked that the world’s mainstream media has stayed silent. We hear nothing of what is truly happening, it is all hidden but, as we say, if we take the time to do a little research then it is plain to be seen.

The Third Secret of Fatima The Third Secret of Fatima is being fulfilled, not the third secret that the church released but the real Third Secret which Jesus has shown us. The real Third Secret is, that a time would come when the Church would be taken over by a man of sin, an antichrist who would sit on the Throne of Peter and would preach a false gospel that would lead many to their eternal deaths in the fires of hell. When Pope John XXIII read the Third Secret of Fatima he was said to have paled and felt weak and said this is not for our time, resealed it and refused to release it. When we look at what the Church released as ‘the third secret,’ no one paled or felt weak at the lie that they released.

Mary, our Mother, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, said that it should be released no later than 1960 but, those who thought they knew better, refused and, so, now we, the people of God, must go through the tribulations that they have brought about by their disobedience. We can see the arrogance of man is great, when men think they have greater intelligence than Heaven.

Heaven has Warned

The Third Secret was something the Church did not want to release because it Warned of what would happen within the hierarchy of the Church. Our Lady also Warned of this in La Salette, Garabandal, Akita and Mount Melleray in Ireland. Jesus has also Warned us in these Messages. These are, but a few, where Heaven has Warned of what is happening.

La Salette: “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist”.

Garabandal: “Many Cardinals, many bishops, and many priests are on the path of perdition, and they take many souls with them. To the Eucharist, there is given less and less importance”.

Akita: "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres...churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord”.

Mount Melleray: August 22, 1985. “The world must improve and the world must believe. If the world does not improve the devil will take over the church”.

The blasphemy and heresy Many will refute these words but we are not accusing, we are simply trying to draw attention to the blasphemy and heresy

Pope Francis is speaking from his own lips. He is speaking directly against the Gospel of Jesus. People keep on calling him holy father, he is not holy when he is speaking against God and promoting sin, sin is not holy.

In the Bible

In the Bible, it says, when you see the man of sin sitting in the place where he should not be then you will know the time is upon you. The place he should not be is on the Throne of Peter. It is plain to be seen that we are now experiencing this and many, many Christians are falling under his blanket of sin, his blanket of deceit. His words suit the selfish lifestyle of this generation.

There are so many good cardinals, bishops and priests who have been removed from the places of power within the Church and replaced with heretics who are willing to accept all sorts of sin into the Church.

Excommunicate the good Soon, the church will start to excommunicate the good so that the bad have full control. But, what everyone has forgotten is, that the Church does not belong to the Pope, it does not belong to the cardinals, it does not belong to the bishops nor, does it belong to the priests or the people. It belongs to Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God and He has said it is time to cleanse the Church and this earth of the evil that mankind has released in free will. We do not have to read Messages or prophesies, all we have to do

is read the Scriptures and we can see how we have been Warned of what would happen, if we turned away from God and followed the path of sin.

We are against his teachings Once again, people will say we are against the Pope. We are against his teachings. We are followers of Jesus Christ, Son of the living God and his holy Roman Catholic Church, the Church that the gates of hell shall not prevail against. The Pope is a man who needs many, many prayers for he is in danger of losing his Eternal Life for the blasphemy that he continues to promote as truth.

As Athanasius Schneider (bishop of Kazakhstan) has said, he has never prayed for anyone, in his entire life, as he has prayed for Francis because of his blasphemy. In an interview on Remnant TV on 29 October 2023, he said “…I’m simply more overwhelmed with pity for the soul of Pope Francis, imagining that he must meet the Judge, God, maybe soon. We are all already of a certain age, no one knows when God will call us…” So many of Gods children are becoming confused and wandering onto the wrong path because of the confusion spread by Pope Francis and the cardinals and bishops he has surrounded himself with. It is time for all of us to open our eyes and see the Truth of the Messages of Jesus.

Very few live them

Our Lady has spoken in Apparition sites all over the world. The Messages which Jesus and Mary have given are Messages of Warning but, so few actually really read their Messages. Everyone talks about them but, very few live them. We are in the ‘Time of Justice’; the Great Chastisement has begun.

Sunday 29 October 2023 Yes, children of Mine, the Chastisement of mankind has begun and My wrath shall be great as I scythe down those who are steeped in the lies of lucifer.

I tell you, My children, never before, has mankind walked a path so dark. I have spoken many Words to you through My sons. My Mother has spoken many Words through Her servants all over this world and so few of you have taken the time to listen.

Rather, you would sit in holy huddles discussing which Prophet is right and which Prophet is wrong. I have told you, My Own shall recognise My Voice, if you cannot recognise My Voice then you are on the wrong path.

Wake up and see the Truth. Your brothers and sisters are in danger of losing their Eternal Lives while you sit and do nothing. I am the Truth. My Mother’s Words of Warning were not released to this world, that the man of sin would sit upon the Throne of Peter. You choose to blind yourselves to the Truth of what is happening. The Battle of Love has begun, children, it is time to choose which side you wish to follow.

Open your eyes and see the Truth. I Love you.


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