Latest messages of Love

Saturday 25 April 2020
Trust in Me and believe, children of Mine.   I bring Freedom to this world and I bring triumph over evil that man has given into so easily.
Trust: you are now in a spiritual battle.  Mankind has now shown his lack of faith in Me when he allowed the doors of My Churches to be closed by lucifer.
Now, you see the consequences of allowing such fear into your lives.  You reap what you sow, children, I am the One you should turn to but you have rejected Me.  There is no reason to close My Churches for never has, nor will, anyone, catch a disease, within the walls of one of My Churches.
You are protected by Me when you enter a Church of Mine.
Now, begin to trust in Me and see the Protection I gave to this world has been taken away by your lack of faith in Me.  Trust in Me and let Me be your Guide.
I Love you.

Sunday 26 April 2020
Look and see the lie that is happening!
It begins to show itself and, soon, all will see for it grows harder and harder to hide it from the peoples of this earth.
Soon, it will break and all will see the deceit of those in power.
Trust in Me and only follow My Truth and do not allow yourselves to be caught up in their lies.
Trust Me, children!
I Love you.

Sunday 26 April 2020
Trust and believe in the Words I have spoken and allow Me to show you the Truth of the time you now live in.
This generation has lost faith in the Power of their God. They have forgotten that it was I who created all life and so they close the doors of My Churches and refuse to see it is Me that they should be coming to, to ask for help.
Rather, they have rejected Me.
I say, again, that no one has ever contracted any disease from entering within the walls of one of My Churches. Yet, you close them at the thought that you may get sick by coming to worship Me?
You have become a people of so little faith!
Rather, you believe in self and no longer do you look to the good of your neighbour. Believe and trust in Me, your God, for I am about to show you the Truth of what you rejected Me for.
Remember, I Warned you to stay close to Me and you did not listen.
Come back to Me and allow Me to protect and guide you.
Trust in Me!
I Love you.

Monday 27 April 2020
Trust in Me, My children, and believe in the Words I speak. I have not led you astray but I guide you into the Truth. My Words do not change; I remain the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  I do not, nor will I, change.
Believe in My Truth and allow Me to guide you upon the Journey of Love.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

My children, come closer to Me in prayer:
34 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings but you were not willing! 
35 See! Your house is left to you desolate and assuredly, I say to you, you shall not see Me until the time comes when you say, 'Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!'"
Luke 13:34-35
I am calling you in your hearts, My children, to enter in to times of prayer with Me, times of solitude, times of silence.
I have Loved you with an everlasting Love and I have given all of Myself to you and, this day, I call you ever closer to My Heart: a Heart that longs for you.  Do not ignore My Words but embrace them as you embrace Me in your hearts; where My Heart is, if you wish it to be.
In the days of Noah, many would not come despite the Warnings that I gave.  They refused in their hearts; their hearts were stubborn and against Me.  Remember My Words to you, children, and heed them:
36 "But of that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son but the Father alone. 
37 "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. 
38 For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark 
39 and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the Coming of the Son of Man be. 
40 Then there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one will be left. 
41 Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one will be left.
Matthew 24:36-41
I am calling you to come ever closer to Me in these days: pray to Me in your hearts.  I Love you.

Tuesday 28 April 2020
Trust and believe in My Power to do anything and you truly walk the Path of Faith with Me.
Believe, children, and I will work miracles through you.
Believe, have faith and, truly, your life will change.
When you allow the spark of faith to ignite in you, this is when you have truly made the decision to allow Me to dwell within your heart.
Trust in Me, children, and walk this Path with Me; reject sin by controlling self and you will be preparing yourself for both I, and My Father, to dwell within you.
Trust and walk this Path with Me.
Believe, children of Mine.
I Love you.

Tuesday 28 April 2020
Trust only in Me and believe in the Truth of My Scriptures.   Do not believe in the modern day truths for they are lies.
I did walk upon the water.
I did feed the five thousand.
I did heal the blind, the lame walked and the dead were raised.  These are Gospel Truths, unlike the lies that are being told of Me by the modernists who have allowed self to control them through listening to the lies of lucifer.
See the Truth: My Church has been taken over by the liars and cheats.  The one who calls himself My Peter, only believes in the power of self. He is the blind who leads the blind for My Flock knows Me and My sheep recognise My Voice.  The ones who follow the falsehoods within My Church are controlled by the lies of lucifer through the lack of dying to self.
Trust Me, My people, I am cleansing My Church.  I allow all the lies to come to the surface and I will wipe the impurities from its halls.
Trust in Me and prepare: die to self and pray for those who call themselves My servants, My priests, that they repent of their blasphemy before it is too late.
Believe, have faith, trust in Me, your God!
I Love you.

Wednesday 29 April 2020
Trust and believe in Me, My people, and I will guide you to the Promised Land.   I will rid this world of the liars and the cheats and, once again, it will dwell in the Freedom of its God.
Prepare, My little Flock, the Day of Freedom is at hand!
This earth shall be wiped clean of the liars and cheats, only those who dwell within the Truth of their God will live upon this earth.  They will know a Time of Great Joy with their God and I, their God, will, once again, be allowed to provide for their every need.
Prepare, My children, prepare!
I Come!
I Love you.

Thursday 30 April 2020
Trust only in Me. I am about to change what this world is thinking.
I will show this world the Truth.  All will see what is hidden and My Truth will be the cleansing force in this world.
Many will turn back to Me and My Remnant will survive all the calamities that will assail this earth; only My followers will see the Path forward.
Trust in Me and believe!
I Love you.


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