My sheep are diseased with untruth, they follow a dangerous path
Tuesday 29 October 2019
children and My own need to regather in these times so that they know
My Words. My Prophets, Visionaries and Seers need to group together so
that I can use them all as one.
this time in My Church, there is no shepherd who protects the sheep; My
sheep are being led into the jaws of the wolf, into untruth.
ask this so that there may be One Shepherd who gathers the sheep around
Him and leads them to the richer pasture and not to the thistles and
the brambles. My sheep are diseased with untruth, they follow a
dangerous path when they follow the hired shepherd for, he runs at any
sign of danger. he does not lie down at the door of the fold to protect
the sheep but allows the wolf to enter; soon a pack of wolves will
enter My sheepfold seeking to engorge themselves on the innocence of My
Gather, gather, My little ones, I have called you this day.
time is shorter now, that is why I tell you to be in readiness. I have
told you that I will not leave you orphans, that is why I give you
these Words. I wish you to HEAR them and do them. I do this to Save
Listen only to the cardinals, bishops and priests who speak My Truth, those who protect the flock.
as you see the sun rise and the sun set, it is another day that you
have not listened to the preparation that I give. To save you from what
is to come, you must HEAR My Words and DO them; you must cling to them
for the evil one perfects the language that he uses to confuse you, to
capture you. What seems like the Truth within My Church is a lie but
the Truth remains hidden in the hearts of those who speak out against
the lies.
Step out of your complacency for, if you, in your free will, decide not to hear then I cannot Save you.
tell you the Truth, each sun that rises and sets, do not marvel at its
beauty but, rather, know that another day has gone that you have not
lived My Word.
do not tell you this to frighten you, no, but to move you, to wake up
out of your complacency; to rouse you to see that no longer is there a
smokescreen in My Church but it is plain to see. I heal you from your
blindness in these Words. Arise and prepare!
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