This world has become a pit that sends forth all the evil that it can find.

Sunday 4 March 2018
My children, this world has become a pit that sends forth all the evil that it can find. I call you close to Me, I call you to find yourself in Me, you must leave the things behind you that are not of Me.
My children, a remnant is a small piece, a piece that is left over; I call you a remnant because there are few of you who will go through the narrow door.
This world is a dangerous place to live in for My children, a place that begins to boil with hatred and self-importance. The evil one tries to make it a replica of hell, to make it his own.
Come back to Me, My children, if you do not listen to My Voice then you will be lost like the sheep that does not listen and falls into the abyss.
I Love you.


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