SOLAR WIND GRAZING EARTH: A stream of solar wind spilling from a northern hole in the sun's atmosphere is grazing Earth's magnetic field today. This could cause geomagnetic unrest and auroras around the Arctic Circle. Free: Aurora Alerts

ACTION ON THE SUN'S EASTERN LIMB: A new sunspot (AR2699) is rotating into view over the sun's eastern limb, and it has announced itself with a flurry of B- and C-class solar flares. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught one of the explosions coinciding with the liftoff of a giant magnetic filament at 19:58 UT on Feb. 4th:

These flares are relatively weak and would probably escape notice during a more active phase of the solar cycle. However, we are now on the eve of Solar Minimum. C-class flares, albeit "weak," are sharp departures from months of tomb-like quiet on the solar surface.
Extreme UV radiation from the flares is causing minor waves of ionization in Earth's upper atmosphere. Otherwise, the explosions have not been geoeffective. Stay tuned for updates as the sunspot turns toward Earth.


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