solar storm 6-7

A SOLAR STORM IS COMING: On Sept. 4th, active sunspot AR2673 hurled a CME toward Earth. Estimated time of arrival: Today. According to NOAA forecasters, the CME's impact will spark moderately-strong G2-class geomagnetic storms with isolated periods of strong G3-class storming on Sept. 6th and 7th.

NOAA is listing storm probabilities for Sept. 6th as high as 90%. This means auroras are almost certain over parts of Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, Iceland, and Greenland. People in northern-tier US states from Maine to Washington might see auroras, too, if they are bright enough to pierce the glare of the full Moon. Monitor the realtime aurora gallery for sightings and stay tuned for updates. Free: Aurora Alerts

ONE. BIG. SUNSPOT. The source of the incoming solar storm is huge sunspot AR2673, shown here in a Sept. 5th photo taken by amateur astronomer Philippe Tosi of Nîmes, France:

How big is AR2673? An image of Earth has been inserted for scale. The largest of AR2673's dark cores are as wide as our entire planet, and they are surrounded by dozens of smaller cores as big as continents. Amateur astronomers with safely-filtered solar telescopes will have no trouble seeing this behemoth.
Overarching the complex collection of spots is a tangled magnetic canopy that harbors energy for strong solar flares. NOAA forecasters estimate a 75% chance of M-flares and a 25% chance of X-flares on Sept. 6th. Stay tuned for more explosions... Free: Solar Flare Alerts


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