Sounion, Greece

THE NEXT SOLAR WIND STREAM: Earth is exiting one solar wind stream. Another is due to arrive on Aug. 11-12.  Solar wind buffeting Earth's magnetic field on those dates could provide a shimmering green backdrop for Perseid meteors at near-Arctic latitudes. Free: Aurora Alerts
LUNAR ECLIPSE: When the full Moon rose over Europe last night, it wasn't its usual self. The normally bright lunar disk was dipped in shadow--a lunar eclipse. Elias Chasiotis photographed the Moon hanging over the ancient Greek temple of Poseidon at Sounion, Greece:

"The temple was open to the public and crowded with people who gathered to enjoy the eclipse," says Chasiotis.
The Moon grazed the shadow of our planet for nearly two hours, giving sky watchers in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia a leisurely view of the event.  At maximum, about 25% of the full Moon's terrain was darkened. Browse the realtime photo gallery for more views from the eclipse zone:


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