By Lana Vawser 
Over the past few months the Lord has been showing me and speaking to me in different ways about an attack of “perversion” upon God’s people and I have had dream’s where I saw the word “counterfeit”. 
PERVERSION: distortion or corruption of the original course, meaning, or state of something. (google)
Synonyms:  distortion, misrepresentation, falsification, travesty, misinterpretation, misconstruction, twisting, corruption, subversion, misuse, misapplication, debasement
COUNTERFEIT: made in exact imitation of something valuable with the intention to deceive or defraud. (google)
The Lord spoke to me that the enemy is attempting “to mask and twist truth”. I saw the truth of what God was speaking to His children when all of a sudden the enemy came along and had taken a small part of the truth of what God was saying, twisting it and creating a distortion of it. The enemy is twisting truth of what God is speaking and ‘adding to it’ to attempt to deceive, distort, misuse and corrupt what God is saying. 
The main purpose of this attack was to DERAIL God’s people of the VISION that God had given them. Whether it was personal visions given to God’s people through encounters with Jesus, words He is speaking or what He has said, the enemy is targeting that very thing and is attempting to cause a DERAILING.
As I have sat on this word and pondered it with the Lord, the Lord showed me the word PERVERSION again, and it suddenly changed to “PER VISION”. I heard Jesus say “The PERVERSION of truth is attempting to DERAIL, but I am saying stay PER THE VISION”.
I felt the Lord wanted me to release this word to encourage you right now to be asking the Lord for discernment more than ever. 
“Teach me good discernment and knowledge, For I believe in Your commandments.” – Psalm 119:66
“My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.” – Proverbs 2:1-5
Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them; for the ways of the Lord are right, and the upright walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them. – Hosea 14:9
Right now, more than ever, the body of Christ need to be crying out for wisdom, for discernment, for direction and confirmation. The enemy is attempting to “hide and mask” the truth to bring a derailing, but as you continue to seek Jesus and seek His heart truly to hear what He is saying, He is going to lead you further than you have ever been before.
This perversion of truth and masking of truth is attempting to bring God’s people into a place of slavery to fear and bondage, where the very thing the Lord is speaking is LIFE, FREEDOM, HEALING and BREAKTHROUGH. 
I saw the Lord bringing a significant clarity and confirmation to His truth and His vision for the lives of God’s people and what He is saying. Where the confusion has come in to blur the vision, the Lord is lifting the haze and decreeing “GO PER THE VISION”. 
Don’t move, don’t derail, trust that He is the One to keep you. Trust that He is the One who is guiding your steps and guiding your path.
“We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” – Proverbs 16:9 
Be at peace, be at rest and know that this attack of the twisting, perverting of truth by the enemy to cause you to be derailed and distracted will fall to the ground and increase will rain and fall upon your day.
I felt the Lord say “Many are weeping over the confusion and feeling of lost vision, but as you continue to go per the vision, you will see Me clear the way into your new day.” 
The whirlwind of heaviness and confusion many of you are facing, hold on, for the Lord is going to reaffirm His truth against the lies of the enemy, the twisting and mixture of truth that he is attempting to cripple you with, and those lies and deceptions will be crushed and fall to the ground in Jesus name. 
Where these whirlwinds have been, there is a sudden turning, a turning of the tables that were against you, will now be turned FOR you and TOWARDS you, and winds of acceleration will release you into manifested promise in significant ways. 
The Lord is moving in the midst of these attacks. He is training you to stand firm, to have wisdom and discernment and to NOT MOVE from His Word. (Hebrews 4:12) He is training you to STAND and to DECREE upon the Word like never more and growing your faith and taking you higher.
Keep standing! Do not fear! The weather forecast has not changed! The Lord is decreeing breakthrough! He is decreeing clouds of joy! He is decreeing a GOOD MORNING, a NEW DAY! These attacks of perversion of truth, the truth of what He is saying, have come to stop you and derail you from moving into the GOOD MORNING that is upon you, but you will not be stopped as you continue to listen to Him, cry out for discernment and continue to move “PER THE VISION” He has given you.
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