When I say that your reward will be great in heaven, do not imagine that I am being trite…

Blessings all. Here is the last of four re-blogged posts on the crosses we are carrying. For your further edification, I also want to add a quote from Archbishop Fulton Sheen:
“There is in each of us a shadow-self, and a real-self. The shadow-self seeks only its own will and pleasure. The more we keep the sun behind us, the greater the length of the shadow, the less Christ is in our lives. Every pain patiently borne, every blow to self, shapes the real eternal self. It was the Crucifixion of Our Lord that prepared the way for His resurrection and Glory. Our Lord is weaving your heavenly robes for the heavenly nuptials, though you know it not, in moments that seem so loveless. You cannot see entirely God’s Plan for you. The uncharted ocean is before you, as you toss in the narrow cabin of your suffering; but the Divine Pilot is bringing you to port.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation (Lenten & Easter Inspirations)


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