Satan set loose for 100 years

Father Malachi Martin was bound, unfairly he believed, but nevertheless bound by an oath against revealing the Third Secret, or more properly, the third portion of the Secret of Fatima. But this chafed him so that he increasingly indicated insights into the secret’s meaning as time went by and the devil’s own chaos increased in the Church. It must have been a terrible burden to know that if only he were able to speak out, so many souls might have repented and been saved! But Father took solace in obedience, knowing as he did that it was by way of the arrogant disobedience of Popes that this assault from hell came about.
And so, even though bound by his oath, Father allowed certain insights. If we review all the hints he gave us in his books and interviews, they fall into a pattern roughly consisting of three portions,
  1. A physical chastisement
  2. A spiritual chastisement
  3. The action of Russia in both chastisements.
Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité  also believed that Russia was the key player in both the physical and spiritual events of the chastisement. Additionally,  Frère Michel stressed that the physical chastisements began with the Second World War and since Russia has not been consecrated properly – and thus cannot be exorcised of Satanic control – the ongoing war will only continue, eventually enveloping the entire world with one horrific conflagration of intense terror. The force behind this will of course, be Russia, or more precisely, satanic marxism.
Satanic marxism is also behind the spiritual chastisement which continues apace until the Church is eventually reduced to a very small  and seemingly impotent remnant. There is little doubt that Pope Francis is a satanic marxist and is the Pope that Father Malachi Martin alluded to as the last pope of this era and who would be under the control of Satan. St. Hildegard has told us what to expect of this pope and Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora has also warned us of what is to come.
In a previous post we quoted Antonio Socci’s account of Pope Benedict’s revelation at Fatima in 2010:
But a resounding explicit confirmation came from Benedict XVI himself, who, during an unexpected pilgrimage to Fatima on May 13, 2010, affirmed: “He deceives himself who thinks that the prophetic mission of Fatima is concluded.”
He added: “there are indicated future realities of the Church which little by little are manifesting themselves… and therefore it is the sufferings of the Church which are announced.”
But could such prophecies be found in that text [of the vision]?
These two phrases of the Pope in that discourse at Fatima prompt reflection:

“Man has the power to unleash a cycle of death and terror, but he is not able to stop it.” And then: “The faith in vast regions of the earth risks being extinguished, like a flame without fuel.”

From these words of Pope Benedict one discerns, therefore, that there is truly something else in the Third Secret and that it is dramatic for the world and the Church. The volume in fact draws from the letters of Sister Lucia and from the unpublished diary “My Way.” Impressive among things previously unpublished, is the account of how Sister Lucy overcame the terror that prevented her from writing down the Third Secret.

The Unpublished Account

At around 4 p.m. on January 3, 1944, in the chapel of the convent, before the Tabernacle, Lucia asked Jesus to make known His will: “I then felt a friendly hand, maternal and affectionate, touch my shoulder.”
And the Mother of God said to her: “be at peace, and write what I have commanded you, but not, however, that which has been given to you to understand its meaning,” intending to allude to the meaning of the vision which the Virgin herself had revealed.
Immediately afterward, said Sister Lucia, “I felt my spirit inundated by a mystery of light that is God and in Him I saw and heard: the point of a lance like a flame that is detached, touches the axis of the earth, and it trembles: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, the rivers, the clouds, exceed their boundaries, inundating and dragging with them, in a vortex, houses and people in a number that cannot be counted. It is the purification of the world from the sin in which it is immersed. Hatred, ambition, provoke the destructive war.
After I felt my racing heart, in my spirit a soft voice said: ‘In time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic. In eternity, Heaven!’ This word ‘Heaven’ filled my heart with peace and happiness in such a way that, almost without being aware of it, I kept repeating to myself for a long time: Heaven, Heaven.” (Antonio Socci)
From this came the strength to write the Third Secret. …
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Curiouser and curiouser….have you noticed how little by little, items get leaked about Fatima; items which don’t answer any questions, but rather point out how incomplete our understanding is? We are approaching the centenary of Fatima’s series of revelations which began in 1917, certainly an eventful century! Seems that the more the Vatican stifles her message, the more the Blessed Virgin allows to emerge…
And now, Antonio Socci, the Italian author who wrote the blockbuster The Fourth Secret of Fatima, has recently written an article bringing forth a bit more information. It is from a recently released biography of Sister Lucia by the nuns of her convent in Coimbra. The book, entitled, “Un caminho sob o olhar de Maria” (“A Path Under the Gaze of Mary”), is not yet available in English.
I’ve seen several translations of Socci’s article, none of which were very good, but now Christopher Ferrara has written about it at Fatima Perspectives, including a good translation. Here is a bit from his article, the whole article can be accessed here:
“In the apparition of July 13, the Madonna had entrusted to the children a message for the whole world. It was the great prophecy concerning the coming decades if humanity did not turn to God.
In fact, it would all be realized: the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the spread of communism in the world, the bloody persecutions of the Church and, finally, the tragic Second World War.
There was also a third part of the Secret that had to be revealed — said the Madonna — in 1960. Arriving at that date, John XXIII hid the whole thing, so terrible were its contents.
He thus provoked a jumble of hypotheses. In 2000, John Paul made known the text of the Third Secret that contains the famous vision of the “Bishop dressed in white,” with the Pope who traverses a destroyed city, the many dead bodies, and then the martyrdom of the Holy Father, of bishops, priests and faithful. …
Socci goes on to relate that it was Pope Benedict himself who in 2010, confirmed that Fatima is far from over,
But a resounding explicit confirmation came from Benedict XVI himself, who, during an unexpected pilgrimage to Fatima on May 13, 2010, affirmed: “He deceives himself who thinks that the prophetic mission of Fatima is concluded.”
He added: “there are indicated future realities of the Church which little by little are manifesting themselves… and therefore it is the sufferings of the Church which are announced.”
But could such prophecies be found in that text [of the vision]?
These two phrases of the Pope in that discourse at Fatima prompt reflection: “Man has the power to unleash a cycle of death and terror, but he is not able to stop it.” And then: “The faith in vast regions of the earth risks being extinguished, like a flame without fuel.”
From these words of Pope Benedict one discerns, therefore, that there is truly something else in the Third Secret and that it is dramatic for the world and the Church. Perhaps it is precisely due to that visit by the Pope that this book was released, from which another precious little piece of the truth filters out.
The volume in fact draws from the letters of Sister Lucia and from the unpublished diary “My Way.” Impressive among things previously unpublished, is the account of how Sister Lucy overcame the terror that prevented her from writing down the Third Secret.
The Unpublished Account
At around 4 p.m. on January 3, 1944, in the chapel of the convent, before the Tabernacle, Lucia asked Jesus to make known His will: “I then felt a friendly hand, maternal and affectionate, touch my shoulder.”
And the Mother of God said to her: “be at peace, and write what I have commanded you, but not, however, that which has been given to you to understand its meaning,” intending to allude to the meaning of the vision which the Virgin herself had revealed.
” the point of a lance like a flame … touches the axis of the earth”

Immediately afterward, said Sister Lucia, “I felt my spirit inundated by a mystery of light that is God and in Him I saw and heard: the point of a lance like a flame that is detached, touches the axis of the earth, and it trembles: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, the rivers, the clouds, exceed their boundaries, inundating and dragging with them, in a vortex, houses and people in a number that cannot be counted. It is the purification of the world from the sin in which it is immersed. Hatred, ambition, provoke the destructive war. After I felt my racing heart, in my spirit a soft voice said: ‘In time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic. In eternity, Heaven!’ This word ‘Heaven’ filled my heart with peace and happiness in such a way that, almost without being aware of it, I kept repeating to myself for a long time: Heaven, Heaven.” (Antonio Socci)

From this came the strength to write the Third Secret.


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