Age of Cain 1999 - 2017 Therese Neumann
There are countless people who have talked about the seriousness of our era and, among many others, I begin by examining some prophecies made by the stigmatist Therese Neumann, that I have chosen for the clarity and symbolic precision with which she has described, anticipating them, the times we are experiencing now. The election of Pope John XXIII, the man landing on the moon in 1969, the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II, are some of the seer’s prophecies that came true.
In her prophetic dreams and visions, Therese indicated the maximum power and dominion of the satanic incarnations over a period she calls "the age of Cain", which covers the years between 1999 and 2017. She said exactly that: "...The great wound will open in 1999 and it will bleed for eighteen years: this will be the time of Cain".
crawling over the cities and countryside, destroying everything." It will be in this age of Cain that "ignorance, the contempt for culture, arrogance, pride, violence, materialism" will triumph.
And she said again "On the highest throne I have seen the snake of snakes. And I saw the donkey giving orders to the lion... In that time, too many lions will have the heart of the donkey and they will let themselves be deceived." And she added: "I have seen horrible beasts leading the world, with donkey's heads and the body of a serpent."
The sentence in which Neumann says: "On the highest throne I have seen the snake of the snakes." is very interesting, a concept that we will treat again later, trying to give a clearer connotation about who Therese Neumann may have indicated with this term.
The sentence in which Neumann says: "On the highest throne I have seen the snake of the snakes." is very interesting, a concept that we will treat again later, trying to give a clearer connotation about who Therese Neumann may have indicated with this term.
The prophecy of the Neumann ends in this way: "there will come a time when the man and the Earth will be dirty and corrupt to the point that there will be no solution other than a general cleaning, of a flood. But this time it will be a deluge of fire.".
This latter concept is a clear reference to many prophecies and also to the content of the so-called "Diplomatic Version" of the Third Secret of Fatima, where it is mentioned a great war in which fire and smoke will fall from the sky and the ocean will become vapour.

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