Jesus I trust in you…

Jesus I trust in you…

My dear friends,
Recently I felt Our Lady giving me a message that at first seemed personal to me, but on reflection, I see that this Word is meant for all:
“You, my child, have been given a great gift, and the gift I refer to is the gift of trust in our Jesus. If you had not been given this gift, the other gifts would not have taken root and blossomed. Then always count this as your most prized possession, for trust in the Lord is irresistible to him, and he will come to you and never leave. My child, trust, and be at peace.”
As I pondered this message, I remembered that among the first words I was given were repeated exhortations to “Trust. Always trust.” And so that marked the beginning of many and ongoing lessons on trust.
The message that I believe Our Lady wants all to understand is that none of us are able to fulfill our mission unless we place all our trust in Jesus. We are all called to a purpose, all given gifts, but if we lack trust in God, our gifts will not take root and blossom.


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