Pope Francis: "DIG, DIG"

That Latest Francis Condemnation


That Latest Francis Condemnation

Notice how Francis consistently condemns anything of Tradition.
Pope Francis breaks his silence!
A “In authorising regular use of the older Mass, now referred to as the ‘extraordinary form’, now retired Pope Benedict XVI was ‘magnanimous’ toward those attached to the old liturgy, he [Pope Francis] said. ‘But it is an exception’.
B “Pope Francis told Father Spadaro he wonders why some young people, who were not raised with the old Latin Mass, nevertheless prefer it. ‘And I ask myself: why so much rigidity? Dig dig, this rigidity always hides something, insecurity or even something else. Rigidity is defensive. True love is not rigid'”.
Marvellously magnificent stuff from the Roman Pontiff!!! I’ll try to get in with my comments on it before Fr Z does with his!! Here goes:
A This is splendid: an authoritative declaration that the word “extraordinary” means “exceptional”. Let us hope that an appropriate Authority very soon makes it clear that the employment of “Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion” must only ever be a tremendously rare “exception”. Perhaps a simple rule such as this would suffice: “Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion may only be used in parishes in which there is at least one Sunday Mass in the Extraordinary Form.” Could anything be more equitable than that? Anything more ad mentem Summi Pontificis?
B This is even better!!! Liturgical “rigidity … always hides something”!! After Cardinal Sarah made his splendid and exemplary call for a return to versus Orientem, various hierarchs whom out of respect I am most certainly not going to name got very excited about his words, and even mistranslated some Latin in their Rigid anxiety to discourage clergy from taking His Eminence’s laudable advice. So, if we are to assume consistency on his part, Pope Francis thinks that hierarchs with a “rigidity” about liturgical Orientation, are “insecure”!!!
Now: here’s a diverting question for readers to mull over. Our beloved Holy Father, having asserted that the “Liturgically Rigid” may be “insecure”, gives as an alternative: “or even something else”. What is this “even something else”, which is clearly “even” worse than “insecurity”? Is he suggesting that the “Liturgically Rigid” may be guilty of a tendency towards Homicide? Or Pride? Or Racism? Or Idolatry? Or Theft? Or Paedophilia? Or Genocide? Or Dishonesty? Or Grinding the Faces of the Poor? Or merely the preferred sin of this pontificate, Adultery?
I think we should be told! I am certainly very keen to know of what, without even knowing it, I am probably, in the Holy Father’s view, guilty!! So, surely, are those hierarchs who are with such “rigidity” opposed to versus Orientem!!!
Dig! Dig!
Read the full article at Fr. Hunwicke\\\’s Mutual Enrichment


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