there will be an event, very soon, that will change the outlook of the peoples of this world


Thursday 12 December 2024

Have faith in Me, your God. Trust that I will guide you, if you but ask. Trust Me, children, and let Me be the Light that guides you through this time of darkness. I am your God, children, I see the fears of all My children and I say, do not worry about what others will think of you for following Me.

Trust in Me and come walk with Me.

I Love you.


Saturday 14 December 2024

Feast of Saint John of the Cross

My children, I Love you and, so, I give you these Words. I will not force you to read or believe these Words but, they hold the key that will guide you safely through this time. The key is dying to self; the more you die to self, the easier you will find it to overcome the obstacles that lucifer places before you.

Trust Me and be obedient to My Words.

Trust Me.

I Love you.


Sunday 15 December 2024

Children, can you not tell that I am near? Can you not read the signs of your times? If you can see them, why do you not make haste to defend yourself from the darkness that now surrounds you?

Children, many changes approach rapidly and so few have prepared. I tell you, there will be an event, very soon, that will change the outlook of the peoples of this world. Then, My children will have a voice and many of the peoples of this world will listen and return to the safety of their God.

Trust Me, children, and prepare. Those who can see already, see the beginnings of the event to come. Make haste, children, make haste.

I Love you.


Sunday 15 December 2024

Children, see the Houses of Prayer, all over this world, as a Gift that I give to My remnant. They are a Gift that you must build, along with Me, in your free will. Children, they are being built to withstand the darkness of lucifer and to, also, gather and guide My people to the Promised Time of Peace.

Trust Me, I am about to ignite My Houses for I have hidden them from this world to this point but, now, I will show this world that I have not deserted My people but I, along with you, My chosen, have been preparing to save My Church and many of the blind from the clutches of satan.

Trust Me, children, the more you help, the stronger My Houses become. Pray and offer many sacrifices that all My Plans come to fruition. Trust Me, children, we will overcome the darkness that has entered My Church. Those blind leaders will stand in shock when they see how We have prepared to overcome the darkness and, yes, many of those blind souls will return, when they realise how blind they have been.

Trust Me and make ready. My Houses of Prayer will become great beacons all over this world and will call many back from the brink of eternal fire.

Trust Me. We, together, will win this battle.

I Love you: trust Me.


Tuesday 17 December 2024

My children, I am with you, I will not desert you. I will not leave you alone. Children, I am at work. Look and see, look at the time in your day, are your days not shorter? I have shortened time so that you, My children, may survive the time given to lucifer to sift this world. This time is fast coming to an end and I will give you, My remnant, a voice and you will gather those who are willing to listen and return to Me. The rest will be gathered together and be cleansed from this earth and there shall be Peace.

Trust Me, children, look and see what I am doing and use this to strengthen your faith in Me. Look at My Church; is the man of sin not in control? Scripture is being fulfilled. See the Truth and make ready for the days are numbered until the Father of All speaks the Words of Justice.

Trust Me.

I Love you.


Wednesday 18 December 2024

Have faith in Me, My children, and know your God is at work in this world. I will intervene and all will change; be patient a little longer and you will see the results of your prayer and your sacrifice. Trust Me, children, as I have said, it has begun and We will win this Battle.

To this point, it looks as though the enemy is winning but, I say, wait and see, children, all will change and this world will be willing to listen and many will return.

Trust Me.

I Love you.


Thursday 19 December 2024

My children, I am with you. There are so few who are truly willing to listen to Me, at this time. I speak many Words around this world but so few will take on and live My Words. My Words have not changed from I Lived, Died and Rose again. My Words are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow: I do not change.

Children, do not listen to anyone who says that I will accept sin as truth. I do not change with the times, that is up to you, to change by dying to self. Trust Me, children, I am about to reclaim much that has been stolen through lies.

Be ready and make My Houses of Prayer ready, both spiritually and physically. Trust Me, much is about to happen.

Trust Me.

I Love you.


Saturday 21 December 2024

My children, do not lose hope, do not think I do not recognise your plight. I see all that is happening and I am about to resolve this plight of yours, My children. I will give you back what has been stolen through lies.

Trust Me and make ready for your perseverance is about to be rewarded. Have faith, My people, I have not forgotten you, I have not forgotten My Promises to you. I will fulfil all My Words, those I have spoken and those I have spoken through My Mother.

Trust Me, My children, and prepare.

I Love you.


Monday 23 December 2024

Come forth and let this world know that I am Alive. I renew My people and open the eyes of the blind so that all may have a chance to return. Trust Me, children, and be ready to reclaim the Power of My Truth so that you may become fishers of men. I will open the eyes of the fallen and many will return to the Light of My Truth.

Trust Me and make ready.

I Love you.


Monday 23 December 2024

My children, listen to these My Words, for, soon, I shall release these, My Words of Love, into this world. Many will be called to read them but, you, My children, who read them now, have been chosen to build the foundations of what I plan for this world. It is your prayer, your sacrifice and your giving, that I use for these preparations.

Trust Me, it is I that hold these Words back from this world that I have spoken through My two sons. lucifer knows I have spoken them and searches this earth for their whereabouts so that he can destroy them but, I have hidden them from both him and his servants until the appointed hour when I shall reveal them to this world.

Be at Peace, children, for you do not truly understand what I do when I release My Words to this world; they will be beyond his power to harm them. It is your prayer, your sacrifice and your giving, that has built the great shield that protects this Work of Mine. I withheld this knowledge so that both you and My Plans remain safe.

Trust Me and continue in the preparation I have asked for, through you. Believe, children, little of your time is left until I will reveal My Words and My Houses to this world. Pray, children, that all those I have chosen remain strong for, already, many have been lost to the lies of lucifer. Trust in Me and stay close to Me.

I am with you, My remnant.

I Love you.


Wednesday 25 December 2024

Christmas Day

Have patience, My children, I am at work in this world and We will overcome the darkness. My Words will cut through the darkness of this world like a red-hot sword. All My Words will be fulfilled. My two will breathe the fire of My Truth and this world will be changed and My Words will be known in every corner of this earth; all will be given a chance to return before the fire falls from the skies and all evil be consumed.

Trust Me. I will free My children.

Trust Me.

I Love you.


Thursday 26 December 2024

My Words are Truth and this world will be in wonder when it sees how it was convinced by the lies of lucifer to ignore all My Truth, in favour of the glitter of this world. Trust Me, children, times are changing and My Gospels will be accepted, once again, as Truth. Trust Me, all is not as it seems.

Trust Me.

I Love you.


Friday 27 December 2024

I will speak the Words that this world waits upon for they are Words of Life and they are Words of Justice. They are the Words that will give My remnant a voice and the liars of this world will lose control; all will see the Truth and realise how they were being controlled by lies.

Trust Me, children, and stay close for there will be times of great unrest when the peoples of this world will rebel against their slave masters. Be ready and I will guide you, My remnant, through these days. Trust Me and prepare for this journey.

Already, the cracks begin to appear and soon the dam will break and the peoples of this world will see the Truth.

Be ready, children.

I Love you.


Saturday 28 December 2024

My children, know that your God is with you in this ‘Time of Famine.’ I feed you with these Words and the Words I speak, through the Messengers, I have placed in every country of this world. So many of My Words are rejected by this generation, even though I speak the Words that will protect them from the Great Chastisement that man has created with his own sin.

I am a God of Truth and I move solely in order to give the peoples of this world a chance to repent and return to the safety of their God. Trust Me, children, you are about out of time. Make haste.

I Love you.


Saturday 28 December 2024

My children, have faith in Me, your God, and be obedient to My Words. Die to self, remove the sin from your lives and you will see the Truth. The scales will fall from your eyes. Trust Me, it is time.

I Love you.


Sunday 29 December 2024

Trust Me, My children, and do the things I say and you will begin to see the Truth that this world tries to hide from you. Believe in My Words and die to self; remove the sin from your lives.

Sin is like mud on a window, the more sin you remove, the clearer you will see. Trust Me, I have told you this already, many times, within My Gospels and, through My Prophets and Saints throughout this world.

You cannot truly follow Me and live a life of sin for the sin will distort My Truth and so you will begin to accept sin as truth. This, you can see happening within My Church and within your society for there are very few left who can guide by teaching My Truth: to teach Truth you must live Truth.

Trust Me, children, and try to remove the sin and you will see.

Trust Me.

I Love you.


Monday 30 December 2024

Many things have been hidden from mankind in these days. lucifer has entrapped the rich and powerful in so many ways. he reveals himself to them in many ways but, he is a deceiver and, so, they do not understand what they have accepted into their countries.

How blind you have become mankind! You walk with your head held high but your eyes have been blinded by the lies of lucifer. You think you understand great knowledge, you have welcomed those who have given you knowledge but, I say, you have welcomed the servants of the dark. It is they who have given you the technology that you revere.

How little you truly understand. lucifer is the father of lies and you have supped with him at his table and, now, you walk blindly into his trap. I will free My people and all will have a chance to return, yes, even you, who have supped at his table. I shall wash you clean in the Blood that I shed for you on Calvary for I Died for the sins of all mankind.

Repent! Repent, My people, and see the Truth, see the error of your ways.

I Love you.



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An Invitation To Love Jesus

Sacred Heart House of Prayer

46 James Street, Cookstown, BT80 8LT

+44 28 867 66377

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