Monday 19 September 2022
Trust Me, children of Mine, and do not fear the events of this world. I have Warned this world and My Church of what would happen if they rejected Me and My Truth. This they have done: My Truth is now trodden underfoot and those who are the protectors of My Truths are the ones who are giving in to the pressure this world is placing upon them to change My Truth and accept sin as Truth.
Be Warned: I shall destroy the lies and, if you are part of the lies, you, too, shall be cleansed from My Creation. I will not accept your justifications, sin is sin, lies are lies, they cannot be justified. For example, I hear you call men women and women men; this is a lie inspired by lucifer. Whatever I created you to be is what you are; you cannot change your creation. I am the Truth, I do not create lies.
I created you to live your life in harmony with My Truth but, the choice is yours. If you live in My Truth then you walk the Path to Heaven and Eternal Life. If you live a lie, then you walk the path to hell and eternal death: the choice is yours. You, who do not walk the Path of Truth, will disagree and hate these Words but they are Truth. I have told you, if you follow My Truth, the world will hate you for it first hated Me; this is Truth. The choice is yours: which path do you want to walk? Trust in Me and My Truth and Eternal Life will be yours.
Trust Me.
I Love you.
Tuesday 20 September 2022
Trust Me, My children, and do not fear. Trust in your God and walk the Path of Truth I set before you.
Believe, children of Mine, and do not let self control you.
Believe in My Truth and love all who you meet.
Trust Me.
I Love you.
Wednesday 21 September 2022
Already, you can see the tide of change and this world will be shocked at what has been going on in plain sight but only hidden behind lies. Already, the cracks begin to form in the dam of lies and soon all will come tumbling down and expose those who have been promoting the lies, because of their greed for wealth and power. Already, those in power grow wary for they can see the cracks that threaten to expose their treachery, their lies. Already, they try to draw the world’s attention away from what begins to be seen.
Children, the Spirit of Justice is working to bring Truth back into this world and, soon, all will be revealed and the powers of this world will not be able to stop the Truth from being seen.
Pray for this time for blood will descend upon the land for a time.
Pray that you be strong enough to resist it all.
Pray for those in power to repent before it is too late.
Pray, children of Mine, pray.
I Love you.
Thursday 22 September 2022
Believe in My Words of Life and Freedom. Believe I am with you. I am here to save you from the dangers of this world. Listen to Me: these are My Words, given to help you survive this time.
Believe, children of Mine.
I Love you.
Friday 23 September 2022
Feast of Saint Pio
Believe, children of Mine, and know I, your God, am with you. Feel Me as you read these Words and know I am guiding you, if you are willing to fight self. Trust Me and believe for all is changing rapidly now as the evil one loses his hold on the web of lies he has spun over many centuries.
Prepare, children, for he will try to destroy everything through those evil men and women who have given themselves over to him by their actions. Trust Me, I will not allow his plans to be fulfilled. Trust and believe in Me, your God, by preparing.
Trust Me.
I Love you.
Saturday 24 September 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear the events that are happening in this world. Remember, I have already told you that these events would take place through mankind’s greed and lust for power. Remember, I have Warned you that I would destroy all that man has built through his greed; for mankind has listened to the inspirations of lucifer and so builds devices that advertise sin and spread it throughout this world.
Look at your televisions, your telephones: receivers of sin! They fill your minds full of desires that are not of My Ways but are of the ways of lucifer. They fill you full of lust, greed, anger, lies, adultery, vengeance and the list goes on and on. Yet, you believe these things are good!
I say stay away from them and use them as little as possible. Do not allow yourselves to be drawn in by the glitter and empty desires. Wake up and see the Truth.
Trust Me.
I Love you.
Sunday 25 September 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not listen to the lies of this world. I have told you already, it has begun. The Spirit of Justice flows into the dark places and My Light begins to shine and, soon, all will be plain to be seen. My Truth begins to reveal the lies of those in power.
Prepare, children, prepare.
I Love you.
Monday 26 September 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and know your God is with you. Believe in My Truth and understand My Ways. Believe in My Gospels and know My Truth from My Life. Do not try to change or accept change of My Words of Truth. I call you in these Words to accept My Truth into your hearts and begin to live in Love.
Trust Me.
I Love you.
Tuesday 27 September 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not allow self to control you. Fighting self’s desires is fighting for My Truth in your life. Self’s desires are the inspirations of lucifer that only lead to sin and so to the path to hell.
Love is My Path: My inspirations will guide you on the Path to Heaven. The choice is yours, children, which inspiration you act upon. Self always promises the things of this world whereas, I promise you the things of My World, Heaven and Eternal Life.
Come, children, seek Me and come to know Me as a friend.
Trust Me.
I Love you.
Tuesday 27 September 2022
Come to Me, children of Mine, and be obedient to My Voice. Do not be afraid to follow Me in Truth. I have told you; it has begun. You will see as My Truth begins to seep out and expose the lies of this world. More and more will you hear those, who have been blinded by the lies, speak out as My Justice reveals the Truth to them. I have told you, the days of lies are slowly coming to an end.
Trust Me, children, and begin to live My Truth in your daily lives. It has begun: prepare now.
Trust Me.
I Love you.
Wednesday 28 September 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and trust in Me, your God. All is changing and this world does not realise it. They, who think they are in control, are blinded by their own greed and cannot see they have gone too far with their deception. They cannot see what they have done and, already, it is too late to stop the events taking place that they have set in motion through their lies.
Already, the children of this earth begin to feel the effects of a plague hatched in hell and implemented by those given over to greed. Prepare, children of Mine, and do not fear for I am with you. I will guide you, My remnant, through this desert of lies to a new Time of great Joy and Peace.
Trust Me.
I Love you.
Thursday 29 September 2022
Feast of the Archangels
Believe, children of Mine, and do not be concerned at the events of this world. They who have not listened and went against Me must learn the consequences of their lies, their greed. You are My children and I will look after My own.
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear. I simply let this world see the consequences of their evil actions. You, My people, believe in Me and walk in My Truth and you shall know Peace. Trust Me. I will call you to help My people return when they are ready to listen.
Trust in Me, your God, and believe.
I Love you.
Friday 30 September 2022
Come to Me and believe, children of Mine. When you look around this world you can see the effects of those that have given themselves over to greed. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer but, children, already the poor begin to see the lies and the days of blood approach rapidly.
Pray, pray, pray, children, that you do not become a part of this time. Stay with Me for your weapon is Love. Love one another as I have Loved you; if a man slaps you on one cheek offer him the other; do not speak ill of anyone but love everyone, this is your weapon.
Trust Me, My children, and believe.
I Love you.
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