The Cold Truth That Few Want To See.
Many people ask are we, the Patricks, against the Pope and, so, against the Church.  The answer to this is very simple.  No, we are not against the Pope or the Church.
We do not, however, agree with the teachings of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who has been given the seat of the Pope at this time, for they go against the Teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
Truth be told, many cardinals, bishops and priests within the Church also do not agree with his teachings for they are heretical; they are not in union with the Teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio is an individual person with individual views - the same as all of us - but his views and beliefs are not in union with the Teachings of the Catholic Church.
There are many cardinals, bishops and priests that will agree with him and do agree with him because they want reform within the Church: they want homosexuality, women priests, married priests, abortion, etc, etc.  In other words, they want change.
All these things are against the Teachings of the Church yet, these individuals want them.
Jesus said, “My Word is the same yesterday, today and forever.”  In other words, the Truth cannot change and, so, the Law of the Church cannot change.  Jesus’ Law is Law and sin is still sin.
Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, is the Head of the Catholic Church, not Cardinal Bergoglio with his heretical teachings that go against Jesus’ Teachings.  If you do not believe us, do your own research.
This is only one Catholic news site but there are many, many more Catholic news sites where the information can be found.
These are only a few of his teachings:
the acceptance of homosexuality. 
He said, Catholics should not breed like rabbits, that people living together in sin have sometimes better relationships than those in the Sacrament of Marriage, the divorced and remarried are, in certain circumstances, allowed to receive the Sacraments although they are living in sin. 
He says hell does not exist; that bad people simply disappear when they die.
He has called a top abortionist in Italy an unsung hero.
He held a pagan ritual in the Vatican gardens and in a Church in Rome where they worshipped the pagan statue of Pachamama, the earth goddess, which broke the first Commandment.
He is into world population control, the bringing together of all religions as one.
The list goes on.
These all go against the Teaching of the Catholic Church.
The question is: is this man a catholic?
Because he has taken the position of Pope, he seems to think that he can change what the Church has believed in for the last 2000 years and no one is allowed to disagree with him. 
He is a humanist which suits so many people at this time because of their selfish lifestyle.
He is trying to destroy the Truths of the Catholic Church from within which has been foretold by Jesus and Mary through prophecy and in the Scriptures.
So, the answer to the question is no, we are not against the Pope WHEN he is in union with the Teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. We are saying nothing different from the good cardinals, bishops and priests within the Church who are saying the same things: that Pope Francis is speaking heresy.
Jesus Warned us many years ago that we would be excommunicated for speaking the Truth and, sure enough, on Christmas Day 2019, a group of Scottish hermits were excommunicated for speaking out against the heresies of this Cardinal Bergoglio. 
Just because you have the name “Pope” does not mean that you can go against the Head of the Church who is Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God.
Cardinal Bergoglio and his followers can excommunicate everyone who disagrees with them BUT are they excommunicated in the eyes of Jesus?  Or are they simply excommunicated in the eyes of those who seek to change the Laws of the Church so that every sort of sin is acceptable???
Tuesday 7 January 2020
My children, how long must I be with you to point out that the Truth that I bring is not a lie?
How long will it take you to see and know that the Truth of these days lies in the Words that I have already spoken to you and it is in this Truth that you can hear My Voice and recognise Me?
Do not take on the “politics” within My Church at this time but, simply, HEAR My Truth and obey it.
How can I, as the Truth, tell you one thing and yet change it to the opposite?  If I did this then I would cease to be the Truth.
At this time, you hear one who speaks from the position of Truth but uses that position to confuse My children.  The confuser is among you.  My Law remains.  You hear another doctrine being preached but, I tell you in Truth, it is not the doctrine that I have spoken.
Take on these Words:
If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which accords with godliness,
he is proud, knowing nothing, but is obsessed with disputes and arguments over words, from which come envy, strife, reviling, evil suspicions,
useless wranglings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. From such withdraw yourself.
1 Timothy 6:3-5


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