Wednesday 7 November 2018
Believe in Me, My children, believe in My Love for you. Do not allow self to control you for I give My Strength freely to those who ask.
Believe, My children, for this time of darkness is coming to an end. My Army will rise and My Truth will spread throughout the lands of this world and those who have given themselves over to the darkness will be no more.
Believe the ‘Time of Truth’ approaches; look to the west and see the rise of Truth.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

Friday 9 November 2018
Do not fear the events that are taking place in this world and My Church. It is I who have given all the freedom to decide. I have blinded all so that they are slowly losing the fear to hide their sin and so you see them stand up and try to justify their sin as truth.
What has been hidden in the dark now is being revealed in the light.
Trust in Me, children, it is I who bring all to reveal their darkness so that no man can say that he did not know.
All men know My Law within their hearts but they try to justify their sin. The time is coming when it will be too late for many to return. Soon, I shall be forced to put an end to their lies and all mankind will know what they have done and how they have offended their God.
Trust in Me and follow Me in Truth for, soon, I will come to rescue you from the hands of the enemy.
Believe, My children, and trust in the Words I give you.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

Monday 12 November 2018
Look to the Truth, My children, and do not fear. There is little time left before I shall intervene and you will know Peace.
Trust in Me and stay strong in My Truth. Ignore those who would try to convince you that I am a God of acceptance, a God of lies. I do not accept sin for sin is darkness. I am the Truth and only those who repent of their sin will have a place in My Kingdom.
Now look at My Gospels and see My Truth.  I do not accept those who say they are My followers and still live a life of unrepentant sin.
I am Coming, children, prepare now while there is still time.
I Love you

Monday 19 November 2018
Believe, My children, believe for all is culminating and this world has entered a downward spiral that only leads deeper and deeper into the clutches of sin. I have told you these things would happen if this world did not turn back from the sin that it was being pulled into by the lies of lucifer.
The sin of man lusting after man and woman lusting after woman is calling down the fire of My Justice as it was called down upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Wake up, My people, and see the truth of what is happening; this sin is like a blight on the land, it is destroying My Truth everywhere it touches. It is it that is destroying My Church and, soon, I shall put an end to it. I shall drive it out through the Fire of My Justice.
I shall cleanse this earth and all shall know never to walk this path again. Listen now and die to self, fight against the spirits that tempt you to fall to this sin.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

Wednesday 21 November 2018
Look and see My Words come to pass as My Church turns against Me in favour of sin.
How blind My people have become as when Moses came down the mountain and found My people, Israel, had forgotten Me.  Now, I come and I find this generation has forgotten Me in favour of sin.
How you are destroying yourselves by your own actions, children! You call the Fire of My Justice down and it will consume all that you have built and all that will be left are the Houses of My Remnant, the shelters that I provide for their safety.
Oh! What My Remnant will see when they enter the new time!  All shall wonder at the Power of their God for all will have been renewed and mankind shall not want!
I shall have provided all their needs for how they stayed faithful to Me through the great persecution.
Wake up, children, and see what you do. Reject the sins of the flesh that are calling your destruction down and come, follow Me in Truth.
Enjoy the protection of your God. Be the people that walked from the Ark and marvel at the new creation of Love.
Prepare, children, and come. I Love you.
Die to self and walk the Path of Truth that I Died for.
I Love you.

Thursday 22 November 2018
Look at My calls, My children, and listen to them. I call from all corners of this earth but so few listen. So few are willing to take the time to see what is truly happening. I call to so many but, in truth, I am ignored in favour of the lies of this world. I have told you to prepare for what will happen.
I have told you to prepare My Houses but so few are willing to listen, so few will enter the Time of Peace, so few will look before it is too late.
How My Heart is wounded by the blindness of My people. I have said I will give all a chance to return but so few will listen to the chances that I will give. All are caught up in the glitter of this life and no longer look to the life that I offer.
Stay close, My Remnant, and be prepared for My call and know that I Love you and that I will protect you from the Fire of My Justice. It comes for those who refuse to see or accept My Truth within their hearts.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

Thursday 22 November 2018
Trust in Me before anything.
Believe in My Power and do not worry.
I am with you, My children.
I will never leave you.
Remember, nothing is impossible to the one who believes.
Show your belief in Me by fighting against the sin in your lives.
Believe in Me and allow Me to guide you through your prayers.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

Sunday 25 November 2018
Feast of Christ the King
Come to Me and believe!
So few believe what I have done for them. Now, in this time, so many have forgotten My Love for mankind. So few believe in My Passion and Death on the Cross, so few accept and now, so many of My children enter the gates of hell every day.
Can you not see how you are being fooled by the lies of this world?
Look at your lives: they are so short.
Look, My children, turn away from the lies of lucifer and come, follow Me, where you will surely find Peace.
Look at Me on the Cross of My Love for you and all mankind: where Forgiveness was born.
Look at Me, My children. I Died for you so you could have Eternal Life. Trust in Me and believe so you will know Eternal Life with Me in the Kingdom of Our Father in Heaven.
Believe, for such little time is left before I unleash My Wrath upon all mankind who have went against Me with their foul, evil ways.
Be Warned, the Day is coming soon when My Prophets shall walk this earth and nothing will stop them for all My creation shall obey their call and mankind will know the Power of their God and if they do not repent, the Fire of Justice shall fall from the skies and the evil of mankind shall be consumed by its Truth.
Believe, children, so you too, will be able to guide My people to the promised ‘Time of Peace’ upon this earth. Know that time is short and little time is left for you to prepare.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

Sunday 25 November 2018
Feast of Christ the King
My Houses await your help, My children. They must be prepared for the coming storm. Mankind is in need yet, so few are willing to give of themselves to prepare for the oncoming storm.
Soon and I say soon, you will need these Refuges of Love for yourselves and your families. I ask for your help preparing these Houses so that they will be built out of your giving, your sacrifice, your love and they will shine with My Love for you because of your caring for Me in My time of need.
I need your sacrifice to build these Refuges and I shall Bless them and they shall stand for a thousand years and shine My Love out to the whole world.
Generations to come will look with wonder at what you built with your love for Me.
My Truth will be held within their walls for all mankind to come and drink deeply from. Prepare them, My children, for time is so short and already the darkness sweeps My Church and you are not prepared.
Trust in Me and give of yourselves so that My Plans be fulfilled in My Houses of Prayer.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.

From the Patricks:
Jesus is asking in this Message for many prayers and sacrifices so that His Refuges be prepared throughout this world.
We ask your prayers, your sacrifices, that we will be able to complete what Jesus has asked for through these Messages.
We ask you to pray for the finances that are needed for the work within the Houses.
We ask you to pray that Jesus sends workers to do the work He asked for in Love.
We do not fully understand what the Houses are for but, we know He is asking for Houses through many visionaries throughout this world and they are very, very important to His Plan.
Pray much that all the Houses of Prayer are completed in time for what is to come.


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