
Visualizzazione dei post da dicembre, 2016


 " IO SONO IL PAPA, e non devo dare ragioni  a nessuno delle mie decisioni. Ho deciso che devono andare via, e devono andare via ."
Newsletter di Gesù all'umanità Messaggio importante di Dio Padre: Accorderò l’immunità dalle porte dell’Inferno a quelle anime per le quali pregate. Posted: 28 Dec 2016 07:00 PM PST Mia cara figlia, è molto raro che la Santa Trinità comunichi con l’umanità in questo modo ed è la prima volta che Io, Dio Padre, ho approvato una missione di questo genere. I Miei figli, molti dei quali non si rendono conto dell’importanza di questo Intervento Divino, capiranno presto perché sia necessario. Se la Seconda Venuta del Mio amato Figlio dovesse giungere senza l’Avvertimento, i Miei preziosi figli non passerebbero mai oltre le porte del Mio Nuovo Paradiso.  Essi non sarebbero mai stati in grado di preparare le loro anime e non sarebbero stati degni di essere ammessi nella Nuova Era di Pace. 23 Agosto 2012 – Messaggio importante di Dio Padre: Accorderò l’immunità dalle porte dell’Inferno a quelle anime per le quali...
DECREE! DECREE! I AM RELEASING A DOUBLE PORTION THROUGH YOUR DECREE! by Lana By Lana Vawser   This morning I really felt the Lord highlighting again the power of our DECREE!   That as we move towards the end of 2016 "DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOUR DECREE!!!". Whatever you are faced with today, whether it's joy, opportunity, weariness, discouragement, breakthrough or waiting... whatever it is, DO NOT give up on your decree. He is releasing DOUBLE PORTION manifestations as you DECREE what HE is saying!!!  Dread has been coming against many in intense ways because of the DOUBLE PORTION MANIFESTATIONS being released by the hand of God, but you will also be DELIVERED by His hand!!!  MANY DOUBLE PORTION MANIFESTATIONS WILL APPEAR IN UNLIKELY AND UNEXPECTED BUT GLORIOUS PLACES  I felt the Lord say "Many of these double portion manifestat...


Wednesday, December 28, 2016 THE STORMS NOW INTENSIFY GREATLY BUT I AM YOUR CAPTAIN AND YOU ARE ALMOST THERE After communion on December 25, 2016 in the evening, I was shown a ship without power in a very stormy and dark sea, no stars or moon to guide the ship, and I saw several men arguing about the situation. A few began to jump overboard, saying it was a hopeless situation and there could not possibly be any rescue. Two in particular were begging the despondent ones to not lose hope, to wait for help, and know the light would eventually shine again. I saw this vision repeatedly, and then the Lord began to speak to me. Remember the words that I have spoken to you so many times before, that it is always darkest before the dawn. I have prepared you for such a time as this, so do not underestimate or doubt what can and will be done through you, through My remnant church. You are here for this time and for this season for a very specific purpose, and I hav...