The evil one has now entered My Church and has begun destroying it from within

Sunday 19 February 2017
Trust in Me and believe in what I tell you.
Do not allow yourselves to be deceived in this time you now live in for, the world is filled with so many lies and those who work for lucifer are in control of the places of power and, are forcing you, My children, to believe in the untruth that now sweeps this earth.
Believe in what I tell you for you too will be swept away in what must come, if you do not listen.
Believe, children, and do not listen: read My Gospels and know My Truth. Do not listen to the new interpretations but, rather, listen to My Truth in your hearts for I will guide you, if you do what I tell you.
Trust in Me for I am among you, I have never left you.
Trust in Me, your God.
I Love you.

Monday 20 February 2017
Look at Me, My children, and believe in the Words I speak for, I say again, they are your lifeline in the time you now live in.  Many of you have not prepared and are in danger of being swept away in the storm of lies that is now descending upon you.
Believe, My children, for I do not change; My Word does not change; My Law does not change.

The evil one has now entered My Church and has begun destroying it from within.  This is why you hear those who have given themselves over to his lies promoting a gospel of change.
Do not listen to them for, if they continue upon the path they are now on, they shall be lost to the fires of hell.  If you listen to them then you, too, will become deceived and also be lost to Me for all eternity in hell.
Wake up, look around you and see the danger you are now in.
Believe My Warnings and prepare by dying to self, fight against sin, fight the darkness in your lives and follow Me in truth.  Little time is left, children, I ask you, on bended Knee, to prepare for I do not want to lose you: you are My child and I Love you.
Pay heed to My Words of Warning before it is too late.
I Love you.

Tuesday 28 February 2017
Trust in Me, My children, and do not be dismayed by the events of this world.
Know that I am in control and only allow the darkness that was hidden to come to the fore so that it may be seen in its true light.
As time passes, you will see even more come forward as those who have hidden their lies, their deceit, come forward with confidence that their lies, their darkness, will be accepted.
Trust in Me, children, and allow this so that all will be shown in the Light.  Then, I shall come and cast their darkness into the fires of the everlasting pit for all eternity.  They who have given themselves over to lucifer by their actions shall be no more.
I say to you, who live in darkness, repent of your wicked ways for your days are numbered and your time of deception is coming to an end.
Repent! Read the signs of your times and know I am close at hand.
Trust in Me.
I Love you.



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