Wednesday, February 5, 2025 THE GREAT DECEPTION, AI, AND THE AGENDA TO UNIFY Message received Feb. 2, 2025 Wake up daughter! Write what I am speaking to you! The hour is very, very late! My people are perishing for lack of knowledge of the truth; and, many, many more will perish because they seek not the truth, and believe every lie. These things in which I speak are here NOW! There is nothing new under the sun, and what was in the beginning and in ancient days is here now again on full display. Iron now mixes with clay as the last kingdom on earth, and the results lead directly to the mark of the beast system. My design is for you to bear My name, but the evil one brings about his system in order that you bear his name- the name of the beast. What is presented to you as benign and for your advancement has been in the works for thousands and thousands of years. Satan and his dark kingdom only imitate, replicate, or recre...